Where we are based

Ismaning as a company location

Protina GmbH near Munich

Von Ismaning in die weite Welt

Our high-quality products “made in Germany” are known all over the world. But where do they come from? From a quiet village about seven kilometres northeast of Munich , the heart of Bavaria. Find out what is so special about Protina’s company location and why it is the perfect base for what we do.

Protina’s headquarters in Ismaning

Ismaning is a small charming 15,000-inhabitant village north of Munich, pertaining to the administrative district of Upper Bavaria. Formerly dominated by agriculture, the region has gradually become an important business location for media companies since the 1990s.


In this thriving environment, we managed to establish our independent, family-run, medium-sized pharmaceutical company over the past decades. With around 170 employees, we are currently one of the biggest employers of the region. Take a look at Protina’s current job openings.

Out of Munich to the rest of the world

Southern Germany is very close to the neighbouring countries of Austria and Switzerland. This makes Protina’s business location perfect for sales activities throughout the entire German-speaking area – and beyond. From our base in central Europe, we operate in many other European countries. And we do not stop at the European continent. Protina is continuously growing – and we have already expanded our business to Asia, America and Australia. Find out more about the global Protina family and its roots in Ismaning near Munich.